Friday, May 11, 2012

The first 3 weeks with your new puppy.

It is important that you get your new puppy started off well. And training begins from the first day you bring them home. The first 3 weeks are important and to bond with your dog. The tone you set now will effect your relationship with your dog for the rest of it's life.

Set a feeding, toileting and training routine with your pup. This will work with any puppy but works best when you first bring a new puppy into the home. I gear my advice to those with pups from 8 weeks to 5 months. But it works with older pups and dogs too.

Putting the puppy on a feeding routine 3 times a day for pups from 8-12 weeks and 2 times a day for puppies 12 weeks up. Lets you know when you puppy has to eliminate so setting up a potty routine. Using a crate as I cover before also helps.  

I use the feeding schedule to teach my puppy the Sit Command.  When I have the dish I hold it up over the pup so they look up and naturally sit.  As their bottom hits the ground I say YES Sit good puppy and I wait a second or two before putting the dish down with an OK command.  "OK" I only use as a command to eat. I never use it for any other reason.  As we progress I add WAIT to the sit and the pup must stay put first until I put the dish on the floor then a little longer each time until they will sit and look at me for the OK Command.  Believe it or not a puppy can do a good Sit and Wait by the time they are 12 weeks old. 

Follow the leader is vital and great fun. Getting your puppy to follow you around the house, keep a pocket of yummy soft treats in your pocket and make it a game. Say their name and reward them, play follow me and when they reach you, Praise first then reward.  They learn to keep an eye on you, and to come when called so it is the beginning of your recall command. You can also use a squeaky toy. At the end of 3 week your puppy will come whenever you call his name.

If you work on these few things in the first few weeks you begin to develop a deep bond with your puppy.  These simple games are based on praise and reward. 

If your puppy makes a mistake and potty's on the floor it is your mistake not theirs so do not tell at them.  The first few weeks should be about fun and play there should never be anything but a short AH AH shown for disapproval.  

Now there will be other problems that come up, chewing and biting but for now work on bonding and soon the pups will be with you and your dog will know it is a safe and fun place to be.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Please do not get a Puppy under 8 weeks of age.

Never mind that this is illegal now in Most States it is also just Plain Wrong. At Six week puppies should not even be fully weaned. And they are still learning good manner from their moths and siblings that will make them good dogs.

At Six weeks they should still be nursing and getting vital immunity from mom. Many will say the mother does not want them anymore. In truth if they clip then puppies nails starting at 3 weeks the Mothers will normally have no problem with them. Puppies do not use teeth when nursing so this is not an issues. You would be offering very runny gruel type food starting at 4 weeks but they should be nursing most good moms will nurse to eight weeks or even longer. This help supplement vaccinations you start at SIX weeks.

Puppies learn not to Bite to hard from their mother and siblings, all puppies go through a biting stage but the longer they are with their family the more they learn that biting HURTS and with your follow up and redirection when you bring them home they will get over it quicker.  A puppy at six weeks has not learned this and will be generally more dog aggressive and not understand when you reprimand them for biting you or your children.

A good breeder will keep their pups to at least 10 weeks of age so they dogs learn how to be be dogs and they learn how to use their biting properly. This avoid so many issues also by letting the mom wean them naturally and at an older age they learn to respect a dog when it growls and will learn now to back down.  Getting a pup earlier then 8 weeks they really have not learned this and it can cause aggression toward other dogs or a lack of knowledge that can get you pup into trouble when confronted by friendly or unfriendly dogs.

Insist your pups are 8 weeks old at the youngest and a 10 week pup is even better. It is hard if you feel sorry for a pup but better to wait for the right dog then get yourself into a situation you may not be able to handle or control and end up with a dog that is going has a huge disadvantage in the learning department if you are not experience with puppies and what to expect.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Puppy mentoring available.

After Attending a Puppy Class in a chain store I know I have much more experience and better ways to start a puppy off.  So I decided to offer my services as a Puppy Coach for those that need help and support when either bringing a new puppy home or who are getting exasperated in what their new Puppy is doing. 

Covering the basics of Housebreaking, Kennel training, Socializing, getting and keeping your puppies attention for easy training and other things my clients will want to work on. 

We will do real world training at home and in the public in person, or through the phone, video and photos of the behaviors you want to be working one.

Those in the Eugene, Springfield, Junction City or Venta area can contact me directly by calling  541  998  2014 
or  email me at  pups(at) at the @ 
We will sent up a phone consultation and our first meeting.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Make sure your Puppy has friends and gets out in the Big World.

Puppies need exposure to other dogs, people and places to become well balanced. A dogs personality if developed between 8 and 20 weeks of age and the experience they have will make the dog. 

Now that being said Always make sure your dog is fully vaccinated before taking them out in public, and socializing most pups have all 3 basic puppy shots by 12 - 14 weeks old.  Depending on when the breeder or shelter or wherever you get them from started vaccinations. Most start at six week so, 6, 9 and 12 weeks is when most will have the basic 3 of multiple vaccinations. Some stagger them now so to avoid over vaccinating and getting bad reactions. 

Puppies go through what is known as Fear stages,  normally at 7, 10 and around 15-20 weeks of age. This should not be avoided but worked through it is your job to teach the pups there is nothing to be afraid of. 

Taking them out and about is the best way to show them that the big world is not so scarey a place. Introduce them to all your kids friends, family, neighbors,  delivery people. While I do not let total stranger come up often and pet my dogs, I do when they are little so they know if I say it is OK then they have nothing to fear. The more exposure you give you pup now the more comfortable in the world they will be later.

Sometime they will start disliking other dogs, you need to know you can get their attention I use a focus command if if the pups starts staring at another dogs I will quickly get their attention on me often I will do a quick turn around and then praise them for following and not over reacting. 

If you can expose your pup to a day care after they have all their vaccination that is also a good place for  them to interact safely with other dogs.  

If you have friends with dogs make sure they get introduced and find one they might like to play with, other then dogs you own because they can get comfortable with their own pack and feel the need to warn off outsiders so exposure make the difference there.  Go for walks with friends if you can not do day care. 

Puppies just need to know that you will not let anything happen to them when they meet up with new dogs and scarey new places and soon you will be able to take them everywhere.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Puppies Bite

Puppies are babies, and like children everything goes in the mouth. They also not having hands use their mouths to play. Playing with other puppies in mock fights is how they learn and develop. They learn a lot from being with their family for 8 to 10 weeks. They learn how to be dogs and how to read social behaviors and that Biting Hurts!

Asking a puppy not to bite is a little like asking a 2 year old not to throw temper tantrums. They will out grow this and until then it is our job to teach them that biting is not allowed.

Now again if your puppy has been with mother and siblings until at least 8 weeks and preferably at least 10 weeks they learn that biting hurts. The other puppies bite them back or knock then on their rear ends and walk away. Mother will put her mouth over their muzzles and press down till they Yip. or Grab them by the back of their neck and restrain them for a bit. She does not throw them to the ground and stand on them. 

When you have puppies and children you must teach your kids to stand their ground with the puppy. Running away screaming will only make it worse. A good rule of thumb is never leave pups and kids unsupervised. Someone and it could be the pup will possibly get hurt. 

Teaching Kids to YELP loud and say OUCH and then turn and walk away calmly teaches the pup that if they bite they will be ignored. Now some pups will just follow and continue the rough play. In that case have a time out area and without saying anything pick up the pup and put them in the quite area. They will learn that rough play will not be tolerated. 

Sometime you get a tough little pup. Trooper can be a pill. In which case sometime I just grab his cheeks firmly and stare him in they eye and say KNOCK IT OFF in  a firm voice and then walk away. I sometime need to be firm with him.  He get rewarded for good behavior and is learning listen to the STOP It command I use for biting. 

Normally by 16 weeks a lot of the biting is over and they still have their moments but they do grow out of this phase. I know it is distressing to people with small children but it your job to protect both your children and teach your puppy good manners.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Oh No Bad Puppy go Outside to Potty.

Did you puppy pee or poo on the floor? Well it is your fault. Puppies are just doing what they need to do. And it is our responsibility not theirs to work at helping them be clean in the house.

Trooper waiting to come home.

I have raised litters now for 10 years and I can tell you dogs want to be clean. I have seen a 2 week old puppy with it's eye just open a few days move to the far side of the whelping box to toilet  so as to not soil the area where they sleep. This show a high desire to be clean and not to foul their personal space.

When my puppies leave home at 10 week or more they are well on  their way to being housebroken  if their new families follow the simple rules I have established the deed is accomplished in a matter of days not weeks.

First I use the words "Go Outside" to teach them to go to the door I want them to use.  Then when I say that they run to the door.  You can also add bells if you like and teach them to bump them in case they go to the door on their own.

Next I take them out and do not nag them. I wait until they are going then put a command to it.  Go Potty for peeing, Better Hurry go Poo for  Pooing. And I praise and reward them for going on command this helps to insure they get their business done in a  timely manner.

I do not self feed, puppies are fed on a schedule and not given access to water all day long either. They are given the chance to drink often. And take out if not immediately after eating within 5 minute or they will find a place to go.

No water 2 hours before bed time to help them make it through the night. I find my German Shepherd puppies can sleep all night by 12 week it may take smaller breeds longer since they have much smaller bladders.

No access to the entire house if you cannot watch them at all times. Or use a tether if you want to keep them out so you can watch for signs.  If not put them in their crates when you need a break and cannot watch them. My new pup Trooper gets regular nap times during the day to give me a couple hours to work on things

Follow a few simple guideline and your pup will be housebroken quickly.

Do not yell at  the pup for going potty inside it is your fault not theirs.

If you catch them going say STOP and get them to stop and get them outdoors quickly so you can reward them.

Do not rub their nose in mistakes, maybe rub your nose in it since it was your fault. Ok just kidding but don't do it.
And again remember it is not their fault it is yours if mistakes happen.